Tuesday, September 18, 2007



Congratulations to Kelsie!
Way to go on your new vegetarian diet!

What's next?

Share your new found love of vegetables, peanut butter, and soy with your friends!

Direct them to peta2.com and get them hooked up with some awesome street team goods, help them to minimize meat in their diets, and share your knowledge with them!
Most people will thank you later!

Also, pass out fliers where ever you go.
At the library, leave them by the computers and in books.
At school: put some on tables during lunch, hand them out during class, leave some in bathrooms, put them in the library, leave them laying in the hall, or staple them to papers you are handing in!

Stickers are another great way to get the message across!
Stickers can go ANYWHERE!

Love you,

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